"a large Masonic pin" [RETI]
With the imminent release of "The Da Vinci Code" in theaters, there has been a good deal of talk about the Masons. In fact, one of the Sherlock Holmes discussion lists asked about the connection between Conan Doyle and Freemasonry.
There are a number of articles that have covered the topic. In particular on the web are:
- Arthur Conan Doyle: Spiritualist and Freemason by Yasha Beresiner
- Sherlock Holmes - Freemason? by Ron Fish.
Ron has gone so far as to establish a scion society of the Baker Street Irregulars, The Master's Masons for Sherlockians who are Masons.
Hello dear friends!
There are 3 texts about FM on our website, but it's in French...
Thierry Saint-Joanis, président de la Société Sherlock Holmes de France, BSI M. Bertillon.
For those who would like to read the French contributions above, you can have any web page translated by using Babelfish:
What is it that you think the Da Vinci Code has to do with the Masons, Scott?
The mention the the Knights Templar is one link. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/York_Rite#Knights_Templar
Also, Dan Brown's next book is all about the Masons.
The Knights Templar order, not to be confused with the similarly named York Rite degrees, is not related to modern Freemasonry, which traces its roots to the late 17th Century. But that doesn't stop many authors from trying to link the two.
Thanks for the mention of The Master's Masons.
Ron Fish
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