The Honors List
The BSI Dinner was held on Friday, January 13 in New York City, with 175 members and guests present. The following investitures were awarded as part of the honors list:
Don Terras, "The Politician, the Lighthouse and the Trained Cormorant" (awarded in October)
Richard Olken, "Bob Carruthers"
Regina Stinson, "A Little Ribston Pippin"
Curtis Armstrong, "An Actor and a Rare One"
Paul Churchill, "Corot"
Jerry Kegley, "Nathan Garrideb"
Trevor Raymond, "Horace Harker"
Jennie Paton, "Laura Lyons"
We stood on the terrace for the following Irregulars who broke from the ranks in 2005:
Richard Schwartz
Robert Dinegar
Edgar B. Smith
Robert Bisio
Cyril Keller
John McCabe
Jerry Williamson
Allen Mackler
A good time was had by all - even by Paxton Whitehead, who made an appearance.
I'm glad to see such a fine crew invested into the ranks. It is sad to say goodbye to so many good friends. Thank you for posting the results!
Poor Allen.
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