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"Our second post is now overdue, and I shall be surprised if it does not bring us...a further letter of explanation..." [VALL]

I have received a number of queries from interested Sherlockians who wonder when they'll receive their 2005 Christmas Annual. The post was unusually slow in January, delaying some deliveries. The annuals were despatched the second week of January and should have homes by this date, or very shortly.

In related news, the Winter 2005 issue is out. Hop on over to the Baker Street Journal web site to check out the contents. Randall Stock wrote an excellent article about the life of "The Solitary Cyclist" manuscript.

This is also a good time to remind you that the Winter 2005 issue marks the end of the subscription cycle. Please take a moment to renew your subscription and to consider making a gift subscription to a new Sherlockian or a public library.



-> Ray said... February 14, 2006 at 8:42 AM

Still waiting for the Christmas Annual to arrive....
