The Baker Street Irregulars is the umbrella organization for a host of so-called scion societies around the world and has been in existence since 1934.
Show Notes
1:15 Introduction & welcome5:10 Mike's first experience with Sherlock Holmes
9:50 A Rotary-like element to being a Sherlockian
10:15 Mike's first Sherlockian dinner, 1969 - Hugo's Companions
11:18 Mike's first BSI dinner, 1973
13:16 The Montgomery tradition begins and other Irregularities
15:36 Mike gets his investiture and discussion of the "wait list"
17:54 How Mike became the head of the BSI
22:59 That's a lot of dinners!
23:26 The BSI's style - informal, no dues, no requirements
25:29 Tom Stix changed some things, Mike's vision for the organization
30:48 The BSI re-enters the publishing business
38:38 Archiving this podcast and other BSI-related material
42:21 Show wrap-up and highlights from next week's conclusion
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