"...Perhaps They Would Get My Sentence Shortened..." [SIGN]
You may have noticed these four-letter abbreviations that are showing up in our blog. A word of explanation.
Jay Finley Christ was an early member of the Baker Street Irregulars and a noted scholar. In 1947, he developed a four-letter acronym for each of the 60 tales that comprise the canon.
Our friends over at Sherlock in Peoria have put together a very nice listing of those acronyms.
I thought that there was a "game afoot" to eliminate these abbreviations and restore footnotes more suitable to the higher criticism.
Any thoughts on this.
That's an editorial decision that Steve Rothman has made for the pages of the Baker Street Journal. I'm not aware of it in other circles.
I guess that is why we need Ralph Waldo Emerson
Acronym? Surely "abbreviation".
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