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We pick up where we left off in Episode 11, talking with Bob Thomalen, BSI ("The Three Garridebs") about how he was able to make his events so successful so early on, how he went about selecting speakers, what it was like to work with Tom Stix, and a wonderful legacy left to us by Bob's closest Sherlockian friend.

Show Notes

  • Getting a critical mass at events
  • Selecting speakers
  • Some memories of Tom Stix, former head of the BSI
  • One of Bob's inspirations and best friends: Bill Schweickert, BSI ("Cox & Co.")
  • Bob's support system
  • No Gas-Lamp this week; instead a special reading of "A Long Evening with Holmes"
  • Listener comments
  • An appeal to join us online

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Anonymous said... October 20, 2007 at 6:35 PM

Scott and Burt,

Wonderful interviews!! Both Part One and Part Two. Bob comes across as the real deal. You two gentlemen have the unique ability to bring out the kinship to Holmes in your guests, and thus in all of us. Please continue to keep the gas lamps burning.

R. Parr
