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Scott Monty, Editor-in-Chief, Founder and Co-Host

Scott Monty, BSI ("Corporal Henry Wood") began his interest in Sherlock Holmes in his teenage years, during which he discovered his first Sherlockian society, The Men on the Tor in Connecticut - his first social network. The Sherlockian societies around the northeast were never the same after Scott descended on Boston, and The Baker Street Irregulars invested him in 2001. He established a web presence and online ordering system for The Baker Street Journal later that year.

His profession led him into digital communications, and as a side project / laboratory, Scott founded The Baker Street Blog in 2005. The blog existed as a standalone site until mid-2013. In 2007, with Burt Wolder, he added a podcast, and I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere was born.  The two sites were combined in mid-2013 to serve as the definitive site for news and information about Sherlock Holmes on the web. And because they're gluttons for punishment, he and Burt started the weekly podcast Trifles in 2017.

When called upon to give toasts at Sherlockian scion meetings, Scott has often been known to recite them in song, his favorite being "The Canon I Read," which was an homage to "The House I Live In," originally sung by Frank Sinatra. Scott writes the Timeless & Timely newsletter and host the Timeless Leadership podcast. He lives in Michigan, where he is an executive coach and public speaker,  specializing in leadership and communication.

Burt Wolder, Editor and Co-Host

"Look, Mrs. Ricci: heavy reading," the boy said, lifting the book with both hands. To Burt Wolder's fifth grade mind, this was a terrific joke. A hefty volume from the school library was great fun, especially when the book was two inches thick, full of illustrations, and all about an English detective from the 1890's.

Burt's main library had The Count of Monte Cristo, The Man in the Iron Mask and The Three Musketeers, and by the time he was thirteen or so he had read through Dumas and Dickens and more. But the early joy of meeting Sherlock Holmes outlived all of his other literary enthusiasms. When William S. Baring-Gould's The Annotated Sherlock Holmes appeared, he discovered he was not alone in his love of Baker Street ("A Singular Set of People, Watson..."). A letter to Julian Wolff referred Burt to Steve Clarkson, mentor to young Sherlockians (see the 2003 BSJ Christmas Annual). Steve introduced Burt to Andy Page, Andy Peck and others and brought him to his first BSI dinner. Those early dinners introduced Burt to Al Silverstein, Jan Prager and Chris Steinbrunner, and the scion societies The Cornish Horrors, The Men on the Tor, The Speckled Band of Boston, The Sons of the Copper Beeches and more. Through the New England scion societies, Burt met his good friend and podcast partner Scott Monty.

Over the years Burt wrote more than 20 short plays for The Cornish Horrors, all Holmesian comedies. As a result, he received his BSI investiture from Tom Stix as the vaguely theatrical "Third Pillar from the Left" in 1988. In 2004 Burt's admiration of Christopher Morley's life and writings led him to reestablish the Three Hours for Lunch Club, which now meets annually at The Players in memory of Frederick Dorr Steele, and irregularly elsewhere.

Tac Anderson

Tac has spent most of his adult life trying not to be an adult. He's worked with tech companies in almost every industry and currently works at a tech company that you might have bought a book from before. He has an opinion about pretty much everything, so he ends up blogging wherever he can. Tac will be reviewing Sherlock Holmes pastiches. If there's one in particular you think he should review, let us know. He is a man of many eclectic tastes. You can follow Tac on Twitter @tacanderson and on his blog at FearMyBlog.com.

Derrick Belanger

Derrick Belanger is the author of the #1 bestselling book in its category Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Peculiar Provenance, which was in the top 200 bestselling books on Amazon. He also is the author of the MacDougall Twins with Sherlock Holmes books, the latest of which is Curse of the Deadly Dinosaur, and he edited the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle horror anthology A Study in Terror: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Revolutionary Stories of Fear and the Supernatural. Mr. Belanger has recently started the publishing company Belanger Books which released the Sherlock Holmes anthologies Beyond Watson and Holmes Away From Home: Adventures from the Great Hiatus Volumes 1 and 2. Derrick Belanger resides in Colorado and continues compiling unpublished works by Dr. John H. Watson.


Mattias Boström

Mattias Boström, BSI ("The Swedish Pathological Society") is the author of FrÃ¥n Holmes Till Sherlock (From Holmes to Sherlock), an award-winning Swedish non-fiction book about the history of the Sherlock Holmes success, which is now being translated into English and German, and co-editor of the book series Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle in the Newspapers.

Jill Brumer

Jill Brumer lives in Houston, Texas, where she sews, teaches others to sew, and continues her life-long fascination with all things Sherlock Holmes. She is also a lady who has been known to enjoy a good story-themed cocktail. When not drinking along to a Holmes story, she can be found living it up at Forever Young Adult, where she creates theme cocktails to go along with Agatha Christie mysteries as well.

Johanna Draper Carlson

Johanna Draper Carlson has been a fan of Sherlock Holmes since discovering the Baring-Gould Annotated edition years ago, but the pandemic and virtual connections reactivated her love of the character, the stories, and the TV shows. She runs SherlockComics.com as well as the longest-lasting independent comic review site online, ComicsWorthReading.com. She is a longtime contributor to Sherlock Holmes Magazine, having written more than 15 pieces there. She is a member of the Notorious Canary-Trainers in Madison, WI, and Mycroft Holmes is her favorite character.

Marjorie Clayman

Marjorie Clayman is the director of marketing for B2B Client Services in Marietta, Ohio. In her free time she pursues Benedict Cumberbatch, her love of history, and crafting for charitable organizations.

Steve Doyle

Steven Doyle, BSI, 2s ("The Western Morning News") is the author of Sherlock Holmes for Dummies, half of team responsible for Wessex Press, and publisher of The Baker Street Journal.

Gordon Dymowski

Ever since discovering The Boys’ Sherlock Holmes at the Chicago Public Library, Gordon Dymowski has been an avid Sherlockian. Currently, Gordon works as a freelance consultant on marketing and community engagement for non-profits and social businesses. (You can investigate his professional endeavors via his LinkedIn profile). As a writer/blogger, he covers the entertainment beat and writes the occasional book review for I Hear of Sherlock, and contributes to a variety of other online outlets including Blog This, Pal! (his personal blog), Comic Related, and Chicago Now. Gordon also is an avid Doctor Who fan, writes a web comic, had his short story “Out There in the Night” published in the Les Vamps anthology and co-hosts the Zone 4 podcast. His personal motto – “The Work Is Its Own Reward.”

Jennifer Emerson

Jennifer has had a life-long interest in English and American literature (particularly of the 19th century), and grew up watching both the Rathbone/Bruce & the Granada incarnations of Holmes and his Boswell. Some of her favorite authors are Charles Dickens, George Gordon Lord Byron, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Washington Irving and Edgar Allan Poe. One of her two current efforts include research into the Holmes Canon for a collection of short stories centered around Dr. Watson. The other is a historic fiction novel-in-progress dealing with reform methods for London prostitutes in the Victorian Era. She has a decade of experience in the field of 19th century living history, and enjoys sharing little tidbits and musings on her blog.

Michael Freveletti

Michael Freveletti is a writer & poet from the Chicagoland area. His Sherlockian fandom can be traced back to his childhood when the stories were read to him by his parents & followed up by his insistence on getting a deerstalker cap as a birthday gift. If you want to read any of his prose or poetry check out publications like Allegro Poetry, Kind of A Hurricane Press and River Poets. Follow him on twitter @mike21an to try and figure out what’s going on in his head.

Timothy S. Greer

Tim's interest in Sherlock Holmes began at age seven, when he chanced to see a rare TV airing of the 1932 Clive Brook film. "An omnivorous reader with a strangely retentive memory for trifles," [LION] he soon purchased the foundational work of his Holmes library, the Now Age comic The Great Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Four years later, having read Watermill's The Best of Sherlock Holmes till it fell apart, he received the Doubleday complete edition with the preface by Christopher Morley, and contracted a full-blown case of Sherlockianism from which he has never desired to recover. Areas of special interest are Holmes's inspirations and legacies, books in Baker Street, Sherlockian theatre and film, and canonical combat. Tim teaches Detective Fiction, Shakespeare, and other subjects at Memphis University School in Memphis, TN, where he is a member of the scion society The Giant Rats of Sumatra. He received The Beacon Award, presented by The Beacon Society, a scion of the Baker Street Irregulars, in 2014. His review of the conference Sherlock Holmes: Past and Present appeared in the Winter 2013 edition of The Baker Street Journal, to which publication he heartily encourages you to subscribe. Follow him on Twitter @timgreer7.

Rachel Gosch

After developing an interest in the Sherlock Holmes stories as a teenager, Rachel Gosch decided to become a self-described “writer-adventuress” since she didn’t have the vocal range of a contralto. She is a recent graduate of the University of Iowa, where she studied English Creative Writing and French Literature and Culture. While completing her degree, she was a member of the Undergraduate Creative Writing Track, became the founding editor-in-chief of Ink Lit Mag, and served as an editorial intern at The Iowa Review and The Week UK website.

Her favorite Holmes adventures include “A Scandal in Bohemia,” “The Red-Headed League,” “The Speckled Band,” and “The Final Problem.” She is currently developing a creative Holmes project that she hopes to transform into a novel.

Leah Guinn

Writer and SAHM Leah Guinn bought her first Sherlock Holmes book at her school’s book fair, when she was in fourth grade. Unfortunately, the first story was The Sign of Four. Shocked and scandalized and fairly certain that her parents wouldn’t allow her to read about a detective who did cocaine, she put the book on her shelf and never opened it again. Her next trip to Baker Street got her as far as The Hound of the Baskervilles, where she was a little puzzled by the fact that it seemed to be mostly about Watson. At last, some twenty years later, while recovering from a binge-reading session of Preston and Child’s Pendergast series, she found herself at loose ends. Recollecting that FBI Agent Pendergast was occasionally compared to Sherlock Holmes, she bought a Kindle edition of the Canon…and it was all over. She spent a year buried in pastiche, started a blog, joined a scion, wrote a story, then a book, and made some wonderful friends doing it.

Leah is a member of the Illustrious Clients. She lives in Indiana with her husband and their three children. Along with Jaime N. Mahoney, she is the author of A Curious Collection of Dates:
Through the Year with Sherlock Holmes
, published by Wessex Press in 2016. She blogs about pastiche at The Well Read Sherlockian and about historical crime at Commonplace Crime.

Peter Holmstrom

Peter Holmstrom lives in Portland, Oregon, where he works as a freelance writer and wine tasting room server, all while continuing his lifelong fascination with Sherlock Holmes. His work has appeared in numerous local publication such as Portland Monthly Magazine, the Oregon Wine Press, and Sip Northwest, as well as being the occasional blogger for Mysterious Universe. On the Sherlockian side, his work was one of the submissions selected for publication in Sherlock’s Home: The Empty House (please excuse the spelling errors), and looks forward to continuing his involvement with the Sherlock Holmes fandom in the future. Favorite adaptation? Hands down, the BBC radio dramatizations done by Bert Coules, truly took Sherlock Holmes to a whole other level! Find him on twitter @pdxholmstrom

Cory Howell

Cory Howell is a stay-at-home dad with two lovely daughters, and Director of Music Ministries at a United Methodist church near Nashville, TN. He has been a fan of Sherlock Holmes, and the various incarnations thereof, for about the past forty years, and finally decided to do something about it. To that end, he started a website entitled Baker Street Babble, which includes a blog, links, picture gallery, and other Sherlockian stuff.

Francine Kitts

Francince Kitts, ("Lady Hilda Trelawney Hope") BSI, ASH is a member of a number of Sherlockian societies, including the BSI and Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes, the Mini-Tonga Society, the Montague Street Lodgers of Brooklyn, Mrs. Hudson's Cliffdwellers and the John H. Watson Society. For more than 10 years, she taught a Sherlock Holmes course at the College of Staten Island and her collection includes Each year at the BSI dinner since 2008, she has been responsible for the "stand with me here upon the terrace" remembrances of Irregulars who have passed beyond the Reichenbach. She fills that role here as well, where she is affectionately known as "The Angel of Death." Francine enjoys the unwavering support of husband Richard for the past 47 years, drawing and painting, golf, crosswords, chess, swimming, museums, and the company of good friends.

Anastasia Klimchynskaya 

Anastasia Klimchynskaya has always avidly resided in fictional realms – an endeavor of which she plans to make a career. A graduate student in the department of Comparative Literature at the University of Pennsylvania, she hopes this means she has many years before her of writing about and researching Sherlock Holmes, late Victorian fiction, and detective stories. She also has a great passion of traveling (mostly to places in some way related with her favorite books), and writing. A member of several scion societies over the years, she’s a contributor to the Baker Street Journal and the winner of the 2013 Morley-Montgomery Award for her article "A Study in Scarlet and the Study of Mankind: Sherlock Holmes and Pope's Essay on Man." She writes about Sherlock Holmes, science fiction, and television at Monitoring Broadcast Signals, and laments that a short biography such as this one cannot encompass all of her myriad interests.

Matt Laffey

Matt's interest in Sherlock Holmes stems from a chance encounter with the film The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes while on a Billy Wilder kick. After first immersing himself in the Canon and then Granada's Jeremy Brett adaptation, Matt soon discovered the writings of Vincent Starrett, Christopher Morley, Michael Harrison and publications like the Baker Street Journal. Seeking more information led him to Sherlockian.net - which in turn inspired him to start Always1895.net for reviews of both old and new books, share an interest in Sherlockian culture and post about news and events happening around the Sherlockian world. Active in NYC-area and East Coast scions such as the Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes, Montague Street Lodgers of Brooklyn, Epilogues of SH in NJ, the Copper Beeches of Philadelphia, Matt helped to re-start the Priory Scholars of NYC, which had been on hiatus for a decade. He is hard at work on a number of Sherlockian writing projects for both print and the Internet, continuing to build his library of Sherlockian scholarship (classic and new books, journals and monographs) while also practicing his radio voice in the shower in anticipation of making IHOSE podcast audio contributions.

Ann Margaret Lewis

Ann Margaret Lewis is a member of the Illustrious Clients of Indianapolis. She began her writing career writing tie-in children’s books and short stories for DC Comics and Star Wars: The New Essential Guide to Alien Species, for Random House. Her books: Murder in the Vatican: The Church Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes and The Watson Chronicles, published by Gasogene Books, is available at Wessex Press. You can reach her at http://www.holmeschurchmysteries.com.

Bonnie MacBird

Bonnie MacBird has loved Sherlock Holmes since reading the Canon at age ten. She is a thirty year veteran of Hollywood, where she’s been a studio feature film development executive (Universal), a screenwriter (TRON), a producer (three Emmys for documentaries) with additional adventures as a theatre actor, director, and playwright. She currently writes traditional Sherlock Holmes novels for HarperCollins. Her first, Art in the Blood: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure was translated into fourteen languages and released as a special edition by Mysterious Press. Unquiet Spirits is due in June of 2017. She has a BA in Music and Masters in Film from Stanford. Bonnie lives in Los Angeles and London with her husband, computer scientist Alan Kay.

Kate Magnusson

One day Katie picked up a copy of The Complete Sherlock Holmes, completely on a whim at a used books store. After the first few pages, she was hooked. Being a comic book and science fiction fan, she loves crossover Sherlockiana; whether it be Holmes meeting historical figures, superheroes or aliens, she'll probably read it. Katie currently lives with her husband and son in Milwaukee, WI, where she works at a bookstore and tries very hard not to spend most of her paycheck at her workplace.

Katie recently published a short story, "Sherlock Holmes and the Hungry Ghost" in the anthology An Improbable Truth: The Paranormal Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, and she is the author of The Adventures of Watts and Sherlock, an ebook series set in a cybernetic future about a doctor's adventures with a detective.

Nick Martorelli

Nick Martorelli first discovered Sherlock Holmes in the 7th grade when his mother bought him the first volume of the collected stories, promising to buy the second only after Nick had found and defined twenty vocabulary words in the first volume. In spite of laments that the home dictionary didn't contain "pince-nez" or "Assizes," the list was completed, and the second volume joined the first. In addition to the Canon, his specific Sherlockian interests include pastiches and film/tv/stage adaptations, although he believes that no actor yet has played the definitive Holmes.Nick is active in a handful of east coast scions, including Sons of the Copper Beeches in his hometown of Philadelphia. He is part of the team that resurrected the Priory Scholars of NYC which had been on an indefinite hiatus, and he now serves as their quizmaster. A former professional actor, Nick now works in book publishing in New York City.

Margaret M. McMahon

Margaret M. McMahon began her Sherlockian journey at age 7, after finding a copy of the "Casebook of Sherlock Holmes" at her family's summer house. She has presented her technical work at national and international technical conferences. She has been a speaker at The Scintillation of Scions.

Her career has taken her from flight test engineering in the Mojave Desert, to a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, then teaching at the US Naval Academy. Currently, she teaches week-long Cyber Security courses in person and as an adjunct for UMUC. Her home is in Maryland with her husband and son, where she is a member of The Society of the Naval Treaty. She is a genealogy author and lecturer.

Jacquelynn Bost Morris

Jacquelynn Morris, ("The Lion's Mane") BSI, ASH, served two terms as Gasogene (president) of Watson's Tin Box of Ellicott City, Maryland, one of only two members in the history of the group to have done so. She is co-chair of the Sherlock Holmes Essay Contest for 7th grade students, serving with Andy Solberg; the contest is a collaboration of Watson's Tin Box, Howard County Library System, and Howard County Public Schools. The contest is in its 9th year, reaching close to a total of 1,000 students. Along with membership in the Tin Box, Jacquelynn is a member of five other scions, and was invited to membership in the John H. Watson Society.

Jacquelynn has been invited to speak at many Sherlockian events, from Chicago to New Jersey to Washington, D.C. In 2007 she created and continues to oversee and organize the annual A Scintillation of Scions in Hanover, Maryland (between Baltimore and Washington, D.C.), a symposium of Sherlockian speakers and a gathering of Sherlockians from all over the U.S.

Jacquelynn was among the contributors to The Wrong Passage, a BSI Manuscript Series publication. She is a U.S. Representative for The Undershaw Preservation Trust, working to save Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's former home in Hindhead, Surrey, UK. In 2010, she was invited to membership by the Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes, with the investiture name of "de novo" from "The Adventure of the Abbey Grange.

Daily, Jacquelynn thanks Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for bringing Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson into her life, allowing her to become friends with "the best and wisest" around the world.

Crystal Noll

Crystal can remember one of her first encounters with Sherlock Holmes watching Doogie Howser, M.D. But it wasn’t until her partner in crime, Heather, forced her to watch BBC’s Sherlock that she was truly hooked.  She is one of the Founders and Directors of 221B Con, an annual fan convention that celebrates the Great Detective from the original canon to the many modern representations. She is also a member of her home scion The Confederates of Wisteria Lodge and more recently The Diogenes Club of Washington DC, The Sherlock Holmes Society of London, and The Retired Beekeepers of Sussex.

When she is not running amok in the West End and London Fringe theatre scenes, she can be found exploring the sites of Europe, or at her flat taking in the many variations of the detective and his Boswell. To keep up with her ever growing list of adventures you can find her on Twitter (@LadyRedCrest).

Rob Nunn

Rob Nunn is the author of The Criminal Mastermind of Baker Street and blogs his thoughts on Sherlockiana at Interesting Though Elementary. He lives in Edwardsville, IL with his wife and daughter. There, he teaches fifth grade, and looks forward to every November when he gets to spend two whole weeks teaching his students about Sherlock Holmes. His first engagements with Sherlock Holmes came at a young age from The Great Mouse Detective and Scholastic book orders. His favorite story is The Sign of Four.

James O'Leary

For over thirty years James has considered himself a Sherlockian, but it has always been a solitary pursuit. It wasn't until he went on to the Internet in 2010 and the I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere podcast that he was inspired to seek out others. James became a member of the Speckled Band of Boston in 2012, and corresponded electronically with wonderful and generous Sherlockians.

Tom Padilla

Tom Padilla first became a Holmes fan upon reading "The Speckled Band" when he was 21. Around that time he fell under the sway of Jeremy Brett's Holmes, and the rest is history. He writes fiction and is an English teacher at a high school and community college in Dixon, Illinois. Downtime not spent reading and writing poetry and fiction is spent at baseball games and playing and singing in an Americana band. Tom and his beloved wife, Joan, have three sons and one daughter, and a one-eyed dog named Wonka.

Chris Redmond

Chris Redmond, BSI ("Billy), M.Bt. is a longtime Sherlockian who is well known to netizens through his work as editor of Sherlockian.Net, one of the central repositories of Sherlock Holmes materials, resources and people on the web today. Chris is the author of a number of groundbreaking an controversial books such as A Sherlock Holmes Handbook and In Bed with Sherlock Holmes and others, as well as numerous Sherlockian articles. He is a member of the Baker Street Irregulars, the Bootmakers of Toronto, the Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes, and other societies. He lives in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

John C. Sherwood

John C. Sherwood of Marshall, Michigan, has been a professional Sherlock Holmes impersonator since 1987. He was Gasogene XVI of Watson's Tin Box of Ellicott City, Md., and a recent recipient of the Beggar's Cup from the Amateur Mendicant Society of Detroit.

Joe Shonkwiler

Joe has been a surgeon, policy advisor, and tech entrepreneur. He is also a Midwesterner who has spent over a decade studying and living in New York City, Princeton, NJ, Washington, D.C., and Cambridge, MA. One constant throughout those professional travels has been the stories, new and old, describing the exploits of the world’s first consulting detective. A devoted Sherlockian since middle school in central Ohio, Joe’s first Scion experience was the Red Circle of Washington DC. He has also joined for the holiday meeting of the Friends of Irene Adler in Cambridge, MA, and has been part of the John H. Watson Society. You can follow Joe on Twitter @JoeShonkwiler.


Bob Stek

Robert Stek, BSI (“The Mysterious Scientist”), ASH ("The Origin of Tree Worship") was able to avoid working on his doctoral dissertation in psychology by reading William Baring-Gould’s The Annotated Sherlock Holmes cover to cover back in the mid-70’s. He did eventually finish both and became an official Sherlockian in the mid-80’s when he joined his home scion society of The Men on the Tor in Connecticut. To celebrate the centenary of the publication of A Study in Scarlet in 1987, he published An Electronic Holmes Companion – the very first complete and authorized electronic edition of the Canon that included programs to index and analyze the stories.

Bob moved to Arizona in 2006 where he started a Tucson scion – The Desert Prospectors of Arizona. With interests in parapsychology and spiritualism he has published an article in the Baker Street Journal on a contemporary medium’s contact with the deceased (?) John H. Watson and has presented on Doyle and Harry Houdini at a Conan Doyle symposium in 2008 at his graduate school alma mater of the University of Regina. In 2014, along with co-editor Randall Stock, he received an ‘Eddy’ for their revision and extension of the 2nd edition of the e-Baker Street Journal – an electronic version of the BSJ from 1946 through 2011. Moving back to the East coast in 2013 he has begun attending various scion meetings and making ‘spirited’ presentations.

Vincent W. Wright

Vincent W. Wright has been a member of The Illustrious Clients of Indianapolis since 1997. He discovered his love for Holmes in the late 1980s when he was given tattered copies of The Annotated Sherlock Holmes. It was in those pages he found his true calling as a Sherlockian - studying the chronology of the Canon. Vincent runs a blog and Facebook Page called Historical Sherlock, and is a member of four scion societies.

He has proudly served in various offices for The Illustrious Clients, and was President of that group for two years. He has had a column in their newsletter since 2005, and loves researching and writing about Holmes, Watson, and Victorian England. Vincent had two pieces published in Sherlock Holmes in the Heartland, and was runner-up in the 2010 Baker Street Journal Essay Contest.

He lives in Indianapolis with his wife and their three chihuahuas (one named Rathbone), and recently became a grandfather for the first time.

If you're interested in contributing to I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere, either for a regular beat or for occasional feature stories, please let us know.
