We are delighted to bring you one of the greats of the Sherlockian world in this episode - none other than the Edgar-winning editor Leslie Klinger, BSI, 2s ("The Abbey Grange"). And while it's tempting to craft these show notes entirely out of endnotes and footnotes, we'll give you some meaty content.
Les Klinger is one of the foremost living experts on Sherlock Holmes, having edited a number of books related to the great detective. He also has a vast knowledge of Dracula and has contributed to the literature of that subject as well. We have a representative listing of his works in the links section below.
Les is the editor of the three-volume set The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes
Les joins us for a very robust discussion of his passion - mostly editing, writing and lecturing about Sherlock Holmes and Dracula - passions that have seemingly been fueled by a lack of weekend activities of this practicing attorney. He shares with us the beginnings of his interest, the growth of his writing and editing responsibilities and eventual academic post involving Sherlock Holmes, and has recommendations as to where new Sherlockians can get started.
We also have a wonderful audio comment from a listener.
- Leslie S. Klinger on Amazon
- The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes
- Sherlock Holmes Reference Library
- Sherlock Holmes, Conan Doyle & The Bookman: An Anthology of Literary Treasures (1895-1933)
- The New Annotated Dracula
- The Grand Game: A Celebration of Sherlockian Scholarship Volume 1: 1902-1959
- The BSI Manuscript Series
- The BSI History Series
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Part II of this interview can be found here.
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Image credit: Scott Monty (Flickr)
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