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Welcome to the Baker Street Blog! We're poised to bring you news from the ever-changing world of Sherlock Holmes. Below are some pointers to help get you started.

What's a blog?
Well, we're assuming that you know the answer since you're already here. But, for the sake of those newer to this technology, let us explain. Briefly, a blog (short for 'weblog') is an online diary. It generally uses links to convey information. For example, you can read about

This blog is designed to bring you up-to-date information on happenings with the world of Sherlock Holmes - goings-on with the Baker Street Irregulars (including the BSI Weekend festivities and publications), Sherlockian societies, entertainment and multimedia news, as well as links to other Sherlockian sites of interest.


"I listen to their story, they listen to my comments..." [STUD]

Each entry on this blog is enabled with a "comment" feature. We encourage you to make comments - to make corrections, add information, or provide useful information of your own. You may also email us.


"...the jovial title..." [VALL]
You may notice that every blog post has a subtitle with a quote. These are phrases that were used in the 60 Sherlock Holmes stories, along with the four-letter abbreviation that refers to the story from which the quote came. You can find the key to these abbreviations here.

Technical details

"...a small wooden shelf full of books, mostly of a technical character..." [SPEC]
We have provided an RSS subscription option. A feed reader (or news aggregator) will allow you to subscribe to our site and be notified when it changes. Google has an excellent page on feeds - what they are and how to use them. Basically, it's a way of telling you that the page has been updated without requiring you to visit our blog to find out. The Google page above will lead you to a number of pages of feed readers, such as this and this. Versions are available for many operating systems.  One excellent news aggregator is Google Reader. It's free and easy to use. If this all confuses you, here's a great video: RSS in Plain English

If you would rather receive an email update, we accommodate that too. The box under the 'Subscribe' button above is a way to get updates via emails. We'll only send you emails as frequently as we publish - at most one a day.

Good luck as we begin this journey together. If you can think of ways to improve the site, or have other suggestions for the technically-challenged, please send an email or post a comment.



ronald kritter said... August 12, 2005 at 2:26 PM

I hope this blog will become active with comments by fans of the Great Detective and the Good Doctor whether BSI or not.

It seems like a Sherlockian idea whose time has come. ;-)

Anonymous said... August 14, 2005 at 2:14 PM

I didn't find any "add content" button or a "find" button either in My Yahoo.

Anonymous said... August 15, 2005 at 4:31 PM

Should have called them "links"

It's possible that the layout for My Yahoo has been customized so these items are not obvious. I've checked it on two accounts, and in both there is an "Add Content" link at the top left part of the My Yahoo page (in my case just below a Yahoo search box, and just above all the rectangles of 'content' like news headlines.)

Note that you must be signed in under your Yahoo account, and at http://my.yahoo.com/ [not the main Yahoo home page]. After clicking the "Add Content" link you go to a page with a search box near the top and a "Find" button to the right of it. To the right of the Find button is a link "Add RSS by URL"

Hope this helps
