“luxuriant vegetation ” [HOUN] While the latest strip focuses on money — which is where we'll spend a little time — as you'll see i...
by Scott Monty
The definitive Sherlock Holmes show and website at the intersection of news and popular culture.
“luxuriant vegetation ” [HOUN] While the latest strip focuses on money — which is where we'll spend a little time — as you'll see i...
by Scott Monty
"I had the story from my father" [HOUN] From the relationship between Arthur Conan Doyle and Charles Altamont Doyle to the various...
by Scott Monty
"the prize at Olympia" [LAST] It's a well-known fact that Arthur Conan Doyle went up against the legendary cricket player W.G...
by Scott Monty
“no ghosts need apply ” [SUSS] We have very few "ghost story" elements in the original Sherlock Holmes stories. As Holmes reminds...
by Scott Monty
"The air of London is the sweeter for my presence" [FINA] Source: screen capture (YouTube) Bitter-sweet news on the Sherlockian f...
"living the life of a hermit among your bees and your books" [LAST] Holmes! Watson! Lincoln?! Booth?! The American Civil War?! The...
“on the down grade ” [VEIL] Thinking about the actions in "The Three Students," where we find that the tutor Hilton Soams is conc...
by Scott Monty
"many excellent qualities" [MISS] One of the latest books in the BSI Manuscript Series from the BSI Press is The Staunton Tragedy...
by Scott Monty
“a course of lectures ” [COPP] May 22 marked the 162nd anniversary of the birth of Arthur Conan Doyle. His legacy lives on in legions of boo...
by Scott Monty
“I am such a farcical bungler ” [EMPT] Every student of comedy film history knows Young Frankenstein , the Mel Brooks / Gene Wilder farce t...
by Scott Monty
"It is with a heavy heart" [FINA] Jon Lellenberg with Dan Stashower (courtesy of Dan Stashower) The worlds of Sherlock Holmes and...
by Scott Monty
“He peered at me with great curiosity ” [FINA] For a set of stories that was written by a physician who himself was a failed ophthamologist...
by Scott Monty