"A fraudulent imitation, Watson." [RESI] I have just been reading a thrilling novel set on Dartmoor, about mysterious doi...
Baker Street Elementary — Happy 100th
"one of a hundred" [GLOR] Today is a banner day for our friends behind Baker Street Elementary . This marks their 100th str...
by Scott Monty
Review — An Improbable Truth: The Paranormal Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
"It seems most improbable" [BRUC] Holmes and the paranormal may at first seem a bridge too far. The rational detective alway...
Smart Women Don't Have To Be Evil
" She was as good as she was beautiful, and as intelligent as she was good. " [MISS] One of the things I love most about BB...
Baker Street Elementary — An East Wind Coming
"a horrible, poisonous exhalation" [GREE] Sunday arrives, and with it, our bi-weekly installment of Baker Street Elementary...
by Scott Monty
Stephen Fry Reads the Complete Sherlock Holmes Stories on Audible
"There are numerous small fry, but few who would handle so big an affair" [BRUC] Stephen Fry is the new voice of the Sherl...
by Scott Monty
Episode 115: Sherlock Holmes and the Theater
"we might appear to be two theatre-goers" [CHAS] Tim Greer, BSI ("The Ragged Shaw") joins us for this...
by Scott Monty
Baker Street Elementary — An Ignoble Beginning
"not the celebrated author" [VALL] It's Sunday, and that means it's time for another of our bi-weekly installment, ...
by Scott Monty
Episode 114: Escape with Sherlock Holmes
"Has anything escaped me?" [HOUN] There's a reason Vincent Starrett wrote "Here, though the world expl...
by Scott Monty
The Other London: A Great Place for a Sherlockian Society
"I shall probably return to London" [BOSC] When I move from western Ontario to eastern Ontario this spring, one of the thin...
Missing Dates in "The Missing Three-Quarter"
"a puzzled quarter of an hour" [MISS] If you've ever read a Sherlock Holmes story, you know that the reminiscences of J...
by Scott Monty
New Feature — Baker Street Elementary
"It belongs to the same elementary class" [LADY] We're pleased to offer a new regular feature to I Hear of Sherlock Ever...
by Scott Monty
A Little-Known Sherlock Holmes Film
"a guard of Coal and Iron Police" [VALL] Everyone who has read a Sherlock Holmes story (or who is familiar with Britain befor...
by Scott Monty
More Suggestive Phrases from the Sherlock Holmes Stories
"my surprise reached a climax" [STUD] You may recall our list of The Top 10 Most Suggestive Lines from the Sherlock Holmes S...
by Scott Monty