"my close intimacy with Sherlock Holmes had interested me deeply in crime" [EMPT] It seems nearly impossible to believe, b...
by Scott Monty
The definitive Sherlock Holmes show and website at the intersection of news and popular culture.
"my close intimacy with Sherlock Holmes had interested me deeply in crime" [EMPT] It seems nearly impossible to believe, b...
by Scott Monty
"a stream of remarks" [SILV] Each week on our Facebook Page , we hold an informal contest of sorts. We post an original ill...
by Scott Monty
"No ghosts need apply." [SUSS] Holmes and the occult is our subject for this Halloween episode of I Hear of Sherlock Eve...
by Scott Monty
"I might have suspected him of being addicted to the use of some narcotic..." [STUD] Reading press releases early in 2012 o...
"Cut out the poetry, Watson." [RETI] October 3rd marks National Poetry Day in the UK. We couldn't think of a better wa...
by Scott Monty
"...a perfect reproduction of Holmes" [EMPT] Coming soon via Big Chief Studios in the UK....a chance for all of us to create...
by Gordon D
"Everywhere there were signs of the crudest battle." [VALL] We discovered this video by YouTube user feelwelcome thanks t...
by Scott Monty
"I am ready to give you any information which may assist you in forming an opinion." [NOBL] Another Sherlock Holmes tradem...
by campunity
"I heard the sound of voices from above." [REDH] Gordon Dymowski wrote about Big Finish and their adaptation of "Th...
"...might give a clue to a person's identity." [REDH] Sherlock Holmes knew how to tell a weaver by his tooth and a compo...
by Scott Monty
"He had spread out his big map of London..." [BRUC] In the canon, Conan Doyle's stories give London a very tangible s...
by Gordon D
"Ah! That is suggestive." [SPEC] A number of years ago, we published a small pamphlet called " Sherlockian Sillies ....
by Scott Monty
"See here, my joker." [VALL] Jerry Margolin's library We can always count on Jerry Margolin, BSI ("Hilton Cu...
by Scott Monty