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"he is now translating my small works" [SIGN]

Last year, I noted that this blog has readers from all over the globe; see my original post, "...Among the Crowds Who Were Gathered from All Nations..."

My international readers therefore will be relieved to know that there is a new addition to the site. Over in the right column, you'll note that I've included a "Translate This Site" link. With a simple click on any of the buttons, you'll be able to translate the blog into:
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Chinese

Other languages will be added as Google develops additional tools. In the meantime, please pass this link along to your fellow countrymen so that they may enjoy the Baker Street Blog in their native language.

Merci. Danke. Grazie. Obrigado. Gracias. ありがとう. 당신을 감사하십시오. 谢谢.



Mariana said... February 25, 2007 at 3:35 PM

Hello Scott!

I came to find your blog a few weeks ago, but now, after reading you last post, I decided to comment here.
I'm a journalist student from Brazil and was very glad to find a Sherlock Holmes related website (in this case a blog) still being updated with interesting matters.
I understand that it isn't easy to keep a S.H. page active and posting news everyday, but you're very sucessful in this task!
Google blog translator is a very interesting tool for non-english speakes, even if the translation isn't very good and easy to undarstand, but is a useful tool anyways.
I would also want to invite you to visit the most complete and active S.H.' page in Brazil: www.sherlockbrasil.com, where we have a very active forum, discuting several matters. (The page isn't mine, but I'm sure the webmater wouldn't mind if I post the addres here).

Scott said... March 7, 2007 at 1:18 AM

Mariana - thank you for your note. We're delighted to have readers from Brazil. I'll add your site to my blogroll.
